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Svenska Musikmaskiner

Devoted to entirely Swedish pianos and organs

Designation: BOOK
No.: 9948
Author/Owner/Origin: Christofer Noring
Pub.Date: 2022
Description: Size: 6.5×9.5, 272 pgs, soft cover
Language: Swedish
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Loan 7/15/2022
Entry Date: 7/15/2022
No. docs. 1

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Reblitz-Boowers Encyclopedia of American Coin-operated Pianos and Orchestrions, The

Exhaustive analysis of coin-op American instruments

Designation: BOOK
No.: 9949
Author/Owner/Origin: Reblitz and Bowers, AMICA
Pub.Date: 2020
Description: Size: 8.5×11, 904 pgs, hard cover
Language: En
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Loan 7/15/2022
Entry Date: 7/15/2022
No. docs. 1

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Das Mechanische Musikinstrumente Journal issues 1-100

Designation: DISK
No.: 9950
Author/Owner/Origin: Gesellschaft fur Selbsrtspielende Musikinstrumente e.V.
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Disc
Language: Ger
Source: ?
Loan/Own: ?
Entry Date: ?
No. docs. 1

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AMICA Technicalities

Designation: DISK
No.: 9951
Author/Owner/Origin: AMICA
Pub.Date: 2005
Description: Disc
Language: Eng
Source: ?
Loan/Own: ?
Entry Date: ?
No. docs. 1

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Tanzbar Instructions and Roll List

Designation: EPH-MISC
No.: 9952
Author/Owner/Origin: Tanzbar
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 8.5×11, 11pgs., photocopy
Language: Eng/Ger/Sp
Source: Wolff
Loan/Own: Own
Entry Date: 1/20/2022
No. docs. 1

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St. Albans Organ Museum

Illustrated booklet

Designation: No-des
No.: 9936
Author/Owner/Origin: St. Albans Musical Museum Society
Pub.Date: 1980s
Description: Size: 8.25×6, 8 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: Prior
Loan/Own: Own
Entry Date: 5/25/2021
No. docs. 1

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Music Boxes: The Collector’s Guide to Selecting, Restoring, and Enjoying New and Vintage Music Boxes

Designation: BOOK
No.: 9908
Author/Owner/Origin: Gilbert Bahl (Eagle Editions)
Pub.Date: 2002
Description: Size: 8.25×11.75 80 pgs., soft cover
Language: Eng
Source: Prior
Loan/Own: Own
Entry Date: 5/25/2021
No. docs. 1

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Musical Boxes

Designation: BOOK
No.: 9910
Author/Owner/Origin: John E.T. Clark (Cornish Brothers Ltd.)
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 4.75×7.25 72 pgs., hard cover, DJ
Language: Eng
Source: Prior
Loan/Own: Own
Entry Date: 5/25/2021
No. docs. 1

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Musical Boxes: A History and an Appreciation (Third Edition)

Designation: BOOK
No.: 9913
Author/Owner/Origin: John E.T. Clark (George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.)
Pub.Date: 1961
Description: Size: 5.5×8.5 264 pgs., hard cover, DJ
Language: Eng
Source: Prior
Loan/Own: Own
Entry Date: 5/25/2021
No. docs. 1

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Musical Clock: Musical & Automaton Clocks & Watches, The

Designation: BOOK
No.: 9914
Author/Owner/Origin: Arthur W.J.G. Ord-Hume (Mayfield Books)
Pub.Date: 1995
Description: Size: 7.5×9.75 352 pgs., hard cover, DJ
Language: Eng
Source: Prior
Loan/Own: Own
Entry Date: 5/25/2021
No. docs. 1

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