Jaquet-Droz Automatons, The
The Neuchatel History Museum’s The Writer & The Draughtsman
Designation: AUT
No.: 7509
Author/Owner/Origin: Alfred Chapuis and Edmond Droz
Pub.Date: 1956
Description: Size: 5.5×8, 20 pgs.
Language: Du
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 12/23/2013
No. docs. 7
Jaquet-Droz Automatons, The
The Neuchatel History Museum’s The Writer & The Draughtsman
Designation: AUT
No.: 146
Author/Owner/Origin: Alfred Chapuis and Edmond Droz
Pub.Date: 1956
Description: Size: 5.5×8, 20 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Own 12/28/2011
Entry Date: 3/17/2011
No. docs. 1