Expression Tubing for Grand Player Flange-Finger Type, 280-C (drawing number?)
Uncredited reprint of a blueprint
Designation: PNO-REP
No.: 2132
Author/Owner/Origin: Amphion Player Co, Syracuse
Pub.Date: 1925
Description: Size: 24×26.5, thrice-folded sheet
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 12/5/2011
No. docs. 1
The Amphion Accessible Player Action
Probable original with illustrations and precise descriptions
Designation: PNO-REG
No.: 2136
Author/Owner/Origin: Amphion Player Piano Co., Syracuse
Pub.Date: 1920s
Description: Size: 6×8.75, 32 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 12/5/2011
No. docs. 2
The Amphion Accessible Player Action
Probable original with illustrations and precise descriptions
Designation: PNO-REG
No.: 1496
Author/Owner/Origin: Amphion Player Piano Co., Syracuse
Pub.Date: 1920s
Description: Size: 6×8.75, 32 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: Harding
Loan/Own: Gift
Entry Date: 11/4/2014
No. docs. 1
Expression Tubing for Grand Player – Flange Finger type
Presumed reprint of blueprint, white image on black background
Designation: PNO-REP
No.: 193
Author/Owner/Origin: Amphion Piani Player Co., Syracuse, NY
Pub.Date: 1925?
Description: Size: 24×26, single sheet, folded
Language: Eng
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Own 12/27/2012
Entry Date: 3/25/2011
No. docs. 1