Willy Romer, Leierkasten in Berlin, 1912-1932
Booklet: collection of 29 street organs, in use, being repaired, etc.
Designation: ORG-P-FS
No.: 7537
Author/Owner/Origin: Dirk Nishen
Pub.Date: 1983
Description: Size: 6.5×9.5, 32 pgs.
Language: Ger
Source: MBSI
Loan/Own: Loan
Entry Date: 12/23/2013
No. docs. 1
Willy Romer, Leierkasten in Berlin, 1912-1932
Booklet: collection of 29 street organs, in use, being repaired, etc.
Designation: EPH-PIC
No.: 216
Author/Owner/Origin: Dirk Nishen
Pub.Date: 1983
Description: Size: 6.5×9.5, 32 pgs.
Language: Ger
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Own 12/27/2012
Entry Date: 3/25/2011
No. docs. 1