The Hine Collection Of Mechanical Music
B&W brochure with a brief description of the organs
Designation: EPH-COL
No.: 764
Author/Owner/Origin: FOPS
Pub.Date: 1980s
Description: Size: 6×8.25, single-fold
Language: Eng
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Gift 12/28/2015
Entry Date: 7/15/2011
No. docs. 1
The Arthur Clarke Collection Of Fairground Organs And Romantic Dutch Street Organs
B&W and color brochure with a brief description of the organs
Designation: EPH-COL
No.: 765
Author/Owner/Origin: FOPS
Pub.Date: 1980s
Description: Size: 6×8.25, single-fold
Language: Eng
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Gift 12/28/2015
Entry Date: 7/15/2011
No. docs. 1