Comeback Of The Player Piano
Illustrated short article with a 1970s perspective
Designation: EPH-CL
No.: 1888
Author/Owner/Origin: Ken Purdy (Parade Magazine)
Pub.Date: 1971
Description: Size: 10.5×12.5, single sheet
Language: Eng
Source: Polan
Loan/Own: Gift
Entry Date: 10/8/2013
No. docs. 2
Old Piano Roll Blues, The
Lively article about player pianos and their rolls
Designation: EPH-CL
No.: 207
Author/Owner/Origin: Frederic Birmingham (Sat. Eve. Post, Jul/Aug 75)
Pub.Date: 1975
Description: Size: 9.5×12.5, 3 pgs.
Language: Eng
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Own 12/27/2012
Entry Date: 3/25/2011
No. docs. 1