Ancienne Invention Genevoise: La Table Autoprime, Une
Clipping from an unknown publication describing a musical table, with color photo
Designation: EPH-CL
No.: 1456
Author/Owner/Origin: Etienne Blyelle
Pub.Date: ?
Description: Size: 8.25×11.75, one sheet
Language: Fr
Source: Hardman
Loan/Own: Gift
Entry Date: 11/4/2014
No. docs. 1
Music Box As Muse To Puccini’s ‘Butterfly’
The story of finding Chinese tunes on a Guinness box in the Morris Museum
Designation: EPH-CL
No.: 1425
Author/Owner/Origin: W. Anthony Sheppard (New York Times)
Pub.Date: 6/17/12
Description: Newspaper clipping
Language: Eng
Source: Edgerton
Loan/Own: Gift 12/30/2018
Entry Date: 11/16/2013
No. docs. 1